zui大镗孔直径 | max. diameter of boring hole | 400mm |
zui大镗孔深度 | max. height of boring hole | 1100mm |
滑架(即主轴)zui大移动量 | max. movement of spindle | 1350mm |
立架手轮每转 | hand wheel per round of spindle | 10mm |
主轴中心线至立柱导轨面距离 | distance from spindle center line to vertical column guide way surface | 480mm |
主轴端面至工作台面zui大距离 | max. distance from spindle face to working table | 1390mm |
主轴端面至工作台面zui小距离 | min. distance from spindle face to working table | 40mm |
工作台工作面尺寸 | working table surface size | 1600mm×630mm |
工作台t型槽数 | t slots amount | 5 |
工作台纵向zui大移动量 | max. longitudinal movement of working table | 1200mm |
工作台横向zui大移动量 | max. transverse movement of working table | 100mm |
主轴变频范围 | frequency conversion range of spindle | 5-95hz stepless speed |
主轴每转进给量(毫米) | feed amount per round of spindle | 0.05,0.08,0.125,0.20 mm |
主轴快速移动速度 | rapid movement of spindle | 3000mm/min |
主轴慢速移动速度 | slow movement of spindle | 60mm/min |
工作台纵向快速移动速度 | rapid longitudinal movement of working table | 1000mm/min |
主电机功率 | main motor power | 7.5kw |
工作台快速电机 | rapid motor of working table | 750w |
机床外形尺寸(长×宽×高) | overall dimensions l×w×h | 2500×2400×3728 mm |
机床总重量 | total weight | 15t |